Thursday, October 15, 2009

How Rich Are You among the world population ??

Although this site was done for a different purpose.

Still interesting to see whats your rank in the world richest people.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Government hospitals hit with swine flu

I have cross verified this with a couple of friend and relatives. Doctors at governments hospitals are falling one after the other with Swine Flu.

If the ministry of health cannot protect its doctors. How can it protect us.

Ouuuuchhh !!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

I Knew it from the beginning Tamiflu Hype

Oxford Researchers Say Tamiflu is Not for Kids

"Part of the reason for the use of Tamiflu is that massive government stockpiles of these drugs that occurred in preparation for the bird flu that never came are about to expire. During 2006 the U.S. government received at various points in the year 20 million doses of Tamiflu at a cost of 2 billion dollars. The product has a three year shelf life, though I would wonder a little bit about how good it is that close to expiration."


One more thing : Gilead sells tamiflu. Donald Rumsfeld ex-CEO of Gilead. Now it makes more sense.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Moody's downgrades three Kuwait banks for weak credit


Have you seen this covered anywhere else in our local media ?

Why when there is BAD news, almost no body covers them ??

How many bad things are happening and no body are talking about ??

Hiding bad news will have a devastating effect on us getting out of the crisis.

And it means that the crisis will be far form over even when everybody here say it is.

P.S. Now I know why the camel have stopped taking hits and started dancing .....!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Best Quran Reciting Site

Is one of the best Quran reciting site.
I have been using it for years.
Its also very easy for kids.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Last day before Ramadhan & the Restaurants

Yesterday, I went to a shopping mall to have lunch. Most of the restaurants had their tables full and people were waiting.

This is the first time I witness the phenomena in this capacity.

Well, The restaurants should be making a lot of money on that day. And from now on they have to really prepare well for it.

And a scary thought crossed my mind ...!

With the rich people influencing almost everything around us. do you think we will see the day where rich people will try to push Ramadhan one day later to make more money selling food.

I was really terrified of that thought.

Let's keep a close eye .....

P.S. : by the way, I know most of the owners of the large restaurants in Kuwait and I know they would never even entertain anything thought this.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wedding Tent Fire Kills more than 40

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :
كلكم راع وكلكم مسئول عن رعيته، فالإمام راع ومسئول عن رعيته، والرجل راع في أهل بيته ومسئول عن رعتيه، والمرأة راعية في بيت زوجها ومسئولة عن رعيتها، والخادم راع في مال سيده ومسئول عن رعيته، وكلكم راع ومسئول عن رعيته.

So please stop pointing fingers to one party than the other.

Every body who can take responsibility should take responsibility.

Back from vacation

Arrived from my short summer vacation.

Will start blogging again .

Friday, August 7, 2009

Ramadhan over the next 12 years

A very useful chart.

Showing when is the beginning and end of Ramadan over the next 12 years.

Remember, we still have to seek the hilal (moon) for the official beginning and end of the holy month.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Steak Challenge : Roadster Diner , Beirut

A friend of mine took me to Roadster Diner in El Hamra , Beirut.

I ordered the T-bone steak , medium well.

It definitely better than chili's and applebees. but does not come at the top.

I liked the restaurant overall.

Its worth a try.

I give it (3/5).

Monday, August 3, 2009


Today in our civilized world I think all of us don't do enough daily walking.

Simply we "under-Walk".

The doctor of a friend of mine who have lost a lot of weight told him that the body starts to burn fat after 30 minutes of walking. My frined walks for an hour daily.

This daily hour should be as important as the time we give to eat, sleep, or go to the bathroom.

You should then easily lose weight, be more fit, and don't feel tired during the day.

I remember an interview with Sean Connery where he talked about a man in a northern African country where they use to shoot a movie. This man used to carry a load on his back and walk for a long distance.

Sean used to see him on his way to the location and on his way back from the location. One day Sean asked the driver to ask the man if he would like a lift.The man thought for a minute then refused the offer. The reason he said that then he arrive early and that he does not know what to do with the rest of his day.

I guess this guy will not die from a heart attack or obesity.

Back For Lebanon

It was Hot, Crowded, and Extremely Expensive.

Electricity, water cuts are more than before.

A friend doctor of mine told me a record number of food poisoning cases occurring during this summer.

I Was there last summer and it wasn't like that.

And because its Lebanon, people are still doing business as usual and still having FUN ...!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Out till SUNDAY

A business trip, till Sunday.

See you by then.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Book to read : "Wild at Heart"

From time to time I will put a reccomendation of a book that I enjoyed reading.

This time its "Wild at Heart" a book that explains the masculine side of a man and how it evolved over time.

It has the best explanation on why a man watches tough sports, look for challenges, and need to be a man. And why a female can never understand why a man does those things.

Please note that this book was written with a lot of references from Christianity. Nevertheless, it remains unique and worth reading for all.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Kuwaiti businessman involved in SEC case found dead

Here is the link

I knew him personally.

Please do not make any assumptions. It is not easy for his family to say he committed suicide.

Neither it is easy to point fingers to some one else.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

How many times ??

How many times we did something like this and never realized it ??

Saturday, July 25, 2009

It can only happen in EGYPT

Really original and funny.

I cannot stop laughing.

It can only happen in Egypt.

Forgot to THINK

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

Wont we all sometimes do something silly like this.

Best Steak challenge

Due to my hectic business travel during the past three years. It started getting really boring.

Me and my work colleges started a steak challenge. That would try a steak in every country that we visit and share the experience.

I usually like tenderloin and have it medium well

Here are some selected feedbacks so far :
- Rib Eye Steak House - Crown Plaza - Kuwait (4/5)
- Terrace Grill - J W Marriott - Kuwait (4/5)
- The Grill - Four Seasons - Riyadh (5/5)
- Gaucho Grill - Palms Hotel - Kuwait (3/5)
- El Sakya - Grand Hayat - Cairo (4.5/5)

The best so far was the one I had at The Grill - Four Seasons - Riyadh.

I will continue to share with you any new experiencing I have. Please share with me your own.

Converting my VHS library

I don't remember when was the last time I played a tape on my VHS player.

Really needed to transfer everything to mpg files.

Few days ago, I received the "Pinnacle Video Transfer Pc/mac Less Video Transfer Device". Its easy, convenient, and connects directly between rout External HD, Flash disk, or IPOD and the video device, camcorder ..etc. It also has s-video.

So far, I'm happy with the results I'm getting out of this device.

Harry Potter on IMAX next week on 360 mall

Also saw an IMAX poster of Harry Potter movie.

Asked them and they said, it will run Next week.

Bowling at 360 mall OPEN next week

While walking at the 360 mall. saw a group from the Bowling staff.

Asked them when is the opening and they said it will open on 28/7.

Friday, July 24, 2009

5 Months without a Credit Card and loving it

Have canceled All my credit cards 5 months ago.

Initially, I felt something was wrong and was terrified.

On the contrary, I feel super and have more control over my budget than ever.

More and more people are doing it.

Read "The total Money Makeover" of Dave Ramsey and you will do the same.

How People Make Money Today

Nowadays People are making money in 4 ways :

1. Unethical , illegal :
  • Examples : See the news papers, the accidents page.
  • % (I think) : %30
  • Comment : More and more people are doing it.
2. Unethical , legal :
  • Examples : See the rest of the news paper.
  • % (I think) : %60
  • Comments : I think this is their Era.
3. ethical , illegal :
  • Examples : Vigilantes
  • % (I think) : %0
  • Comments : Coming soon. They will come once the Unethical , legal reach a threshold.

4. ethical , legal :
  • Examples : The real ones usually won't reach the news papers.
  • % (I think) : %10
  • Comments : Dont they all look so.
How do you score them yourself ??

Obama calls on UN to cancel Iraq's $25bn debt to Kuwait

The Iraqi's have been very focused on this. Until they got what they wanted.

This required more effort from our government and parliament tgether lobbying on this.

Which clearly we didn't do.

I am really disgust of any parliament member who comes now and blames someone.

It just like when you loose a soccer game and blame the referee or the rain.

Too late, you just missed the priorities and shown a great deal of lack of capabilities, and you are not worth being a parliament member.

The full story is here Link

"Generation G": The Gulf War Generation

I don't mean people who were born during the Gulf War, but People who just graduated from college that year (1990).

Ulness you have a better suggestion, I will call them "Generation G".

Generation G:
1. Had a significant active role during the invasion, and the rebuilding efforts afterwards.
2. After Liberation : Student studied 2 years in 1. Employees got 7 months salaries, and their loans paid. Merchants got compensations. They got none.
3. Were not fortunate to get a job until months after liberation.
4. Until reaching 35, Literally were hunted to go for Military service "Tajneed".
5. Many private sector companies refused to employ them until they finish thier military service.
6. The government had no plan for housing for them. They either got hefty loans to buy a house or are still living in aprtments.
7. They reached the same ages as thier bosses when they took thier managment posts. And thier bosses (now 60+ of age) are still there.
8. They can only retire when they reach 55.
9. And more......

After Kuwait had Oil, I don't think there is a generation that was unfortunate as much as this generation.

And today, many of them are simply DEPRESSED.